воскресенье, 16 июня 2013 г.

Hadag Nachash - Lazuz (To Move) (2003)

1. Kamti (Got Up) 
2. Lazuz (To Move) 
3. Sod HaHatzlaha (Secret to Success) 
4. Misparim (Numbers) 
5. Lo Frayerim (Not Suckers) 
6. Frayerim (Suckers) 
7. Gabi VeDebi (Gabi And Debi) 
8. Gan Eden (The Garden Of Eden) 
9. Gan HaTut (The Strawberry Garden) 
10. Bela Belisima 
11. Belis Dub 
12. Mechonat HaTut (The Strawberry Machine) 
13. Ze Lo Ani (It Wasn't Me)

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